"We the Indigenous Peoples of the world, united in this corner of our Mother the Earth in a great assembly of men of wisdom, declare to all nations:

We glory in our proud past:

when the earth was our nurturing mother,

when the night sky formed our common roof,

when the Sun and Moon were our parents,

when all were brothers and sisters,

when our great civilizations grew under the sun,

when our chiefs and elders were great leaders,

when justice ruled the Law and its execution.

Then other people's arrived:

thirsting for blood, for gold, for land and all its wealth,

carrying the cross and the sword, one in each hand,

without knowing or waiting to learn the ways of our worlds,

they considered us to be lower than animals,

they stole our land from us and took us from our lands,

they made slaves out of the Sons of the Sun.

However, they have not eliminated us,

nor erased our memories of what we were,

because we are the culture of the Earth and the Sky,

we are of ancient descent and we are millions,

and although our whole universe may be ravaged,

our people will live on

for longer than even the kingdom of death.

Now, we come from the four corners of the Earth,

we protest before the concert of nations

that, 'we are the Indigenous Peoples, we who

have a consciousness of culture and peoplehood

on the edge of each country's borders and

marginal to each country's citizenship.'

And rising up after centuries of oppression,

evoking the GREATNESS of our Ancestors,

In the memory of our Indigenous martyrs,

and in homage to the counsel of our wise elders:

We vow to control again our own destiny and

recover our complete humanity and

pride in being Indigenous People."

The Formation of the World Council of Indigenous Peoples, IWGIA Document No. 29, 1977

from The Four Fold Way by Angeles Arrien, PH.D.

How To Help Protect the Earth:

There are so many people around the world already in action, join them!





“A “disease of the mind” has set in world leaders and many members of our global community, with their belief that a solution of retaliation and destruction of peoples will bring peace.

In our Prophecies it is told that we are now at the crossroads: Either unite spiritually as a global nation or faced with chaos, disasters, diseases, and tears from our relatives’ eyes.

We are the only species that is destroying the source of life, meaning Mother Earth, in the name of power, mineral resources, and ownership of land. Using chemicals and methods of warfare that are doing irreversible damage, as Mother Earth is becoming tired and cannot sustain any more impacts of war.

I ask you to join me in this endeavor. Our vision is for the peoples of all continents, regardless of their beliefs in the Creator, to come together as one at their Sacred Sites.”


“Seeding Sovereignty; an Indigenous-led collective, works to radicalize and disrupt colonized spaces through land, body, and food sovereignty work, community building, and cultural preservation. By investing in Indigenous folks and communities of the global majority, we cross the threshold of liberation together.”

"The greatest sin of the world has been enacted by Arizona Senator McCain, Senator Flake, and Representatives Kirkpatrick and Gosar of Arizona by including the Southeast Arizona Land Exchange in the National Defense Authorization Act (2015). We are calling on all religious faiths, & military veterans, for this country was founded on freedom of speech, religion and worship, which has been given away to a foreign mining company."

"They declared war on our religion, we must stand in unity and fight to the very end, for this is a holy war."

-Dr. Wendsler Nosie Sr., long time opponent of the Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and former Chairman and Councilman of the San Carlos Apache Tribe, reacts to the passage of the Southeastern Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act in December 2014.



Slow Factory is an environmental superhero team founded by Lebanese born mother Celine Semaan. They go after big unethial corporations that are harming our planet and help to amplify black and indigenous voices around the world. Celine and her family work tirelessly to help sustain the planet for our future generations.

“Slow Factory Foundation is dedicated to improving sustainability literacy in fashion.

Using a holistic, human-centered approach, we bridge science, human rights, technology, fashion & culture to develop products, resources and certifications for industry and consumers alike.”